Environmental Activities

Environmental Activities

Environmental Policy

Toshiba Hokuto Electronics Corporation, a member of the Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Group has its headquarters and main factory in nature-rich Asahikawa, Hokkaido. The city is located where the Ishikarigawa river and a number of its tributaries meet, and is surrounded by the lush green mountains of Taisetsuzan, situated in the center of Hokkaido. (The slogan of Asahikawa city is “the environment-friendly city in the north where people live in harmony with nature”). Both of our factories are engaged in the manufacturing of electronic devices, including thermal print heads, magnetrons, Flexible Printed Circuit Board, and other devices, while coexisting in harmony with local residents. We further promote environmental management activities through our business activities, products, and services, and aim to contribute to society by offering eco-friendly products and services. In addition, we prioritize our efforts to maintainand improve the environment as one of the most important management issues, and will act based on the Toshiba Group Management Philosophy “For the Tomorrow of People and the Earth.”

  1. We assess the impact on the environment caused by our environment-related activity, including management issues related to our business activities, products, and services, and promote environmental activities by specifying targets to reduce our environmental impact including regional biodiversity and prevent pollution.
  2. We strive to continuously improve our environmental management through internal audits and reviews of our activities.
  3. As a member of Toshiba Group, we comply with all environmental laws and regulations, environmental activities, industry guidelines we have endorsed, and our own standards concerning the environment.
  4. We offer environment-friendly products and promote environmental activities that aim at reducing our environmental impact with regard to the environmental aspect of our business activities and services.
    • 1) Promote manufacturing of products based on a recognition that they are made from finite resources.
    • 2) Promote reduction in CO2 emissions to mitigate global warming.
    • 3) Promote reduction in the total amount of waste generated.
    • 4) Promote appropriate control of chemicals to prevent environmental contamination.
  5. We provide environmental training for all our employees to raise their understanding and awareness in order to implement environmental activities and sustain and improve the environment.
  6. As a global company, we promote environmental activities together with other Toshiba Group companies and provide guidance and instructions for our subsidiaries.
  7. We are committed to maximizing disclosure and transparency in our communication with local residents to sustain and improve the local environment.

including regional biodiversity.

April 1, 2022
Kentaro Shioiri
President & CEO
Toshiba Hokuto Electronics Corporation

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